
  • May 2024

    Michelle and Nazim's review on network transitions during development appears in Nature Reviews Neuroscience

    • May 2024

      Photo taken at the Gordon Research Conference on Fragile X Syndrome and Related Autism Disorders in Tuscany, Italy: Carlos with Gavin Rumbaugh, Anis Contractor, Eric Klann, and Pablo Castillo"

      • May 2024

        Irma presented at the Neurobiology departmental retreat

        • May 2024

          Carlos received an award from the Fundación Querer in Madrid, Spain. Click here to watch his presentation.

          • May 2024

            We welcome to the lab a new UCLA undergrad volunteer, Akash Khotari.

            • Apr 2024

              Trish successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled “Neural circuits underlying social touch deficits in mouse models of autism"

              • Apr 2024

                Carlos and Alex Huk organized a symposium to celebrate the career of Prof. Joaquin Fuster

                • Apr 2024

                  Carlos Sánchez won ‘best poster’ prize for the Neurology Department Science Day poster competition (post-doc category)

                • Jan 2024

                  Nazim received the Arnold Scheibel Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience Award from the Brain Research Institute at UCLA, presented by BRI Director Felix Schweizer. Nazim gave a lecture entitled “Sensory circuit differences during early postnatal development in Fragile X mice.”

                  • Jan 2024

                    Zoë successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled “Population dynamics of sensory adaptation in cortical circuits"

                    • Oct 2023

                      Trish receives the Eva Kavan Prize from UCLA’s Brain Research Institute

                    • Sept 2023

                      Spectrum News did a piece on Trish's paper about social touch

                    • Sept 2023

                      Nazim receives the UCLA’s 2023 Brain Research Institute Scheibel Postdoctoral Lecture Award

                    • Sept 2023

                      Zoë, Anand, and Nazim receive travel awards from UCLA’s Brain Research Institute to attend the 2023 Society for Neuroscience meeting

                    • Sept 2023

                      Trish’s paper on a new social touch assay for mice is accepted to the Journal of Neuroscience

                    • Sept 2023

                      The lab welcomes a new undergrad research volunteer: David Song

                    • Sept 2023

                      The lab welcomes a new undergrad research volunteer: Lauren Wall

                    • Aug 2023

                      Nazim’s paper on MGE interneuron development appears in Neuron

                    • May 2023

                      Michelle attends the Neural Data Science course at Cold Spring Harbor

                    • Apr 2023

                      The lab welcomes a new undergrad research volunteer: Jaylin Hsu

                    • May 2023

                      Carlos was awarded the Neurology Department’s 2023 Golden Test Tube Award for mentorship in the lab.

                    • May 2023

                      Nazim was awarded a prize for his poster presentation at the Neurology Science Day. Ashley and Sunny also presented posters in the undergraduate category.

                    • Dec 2022

                      Congratulations to Sunny Mula, who was awarded the Bennett & Jeanette Duval Undergraduate Scholarship to conduct research in the lab.

                    • Nov 2022

                      During SfN ’22 in San Diego there was a reunion of current and former post-docs.

                    • Nov 2022

                      Carlos presented at a mini-symposium at SfN ’22 in San Diego.

                    • Nov 2022

                      Dinner for the current members of the Zeiger and Portera-Cailliau Labs at SfN’22 in San Diego.

                    • Oct 2022

                      The lab welcomes Dr. Carlos Sánchez-León, a new post-doc.

                    • Sep 2022

                      The lab welcomes Michelle Wu, a new graduate student from the UCLA-Caltech MSTP.

                    • Sep 2022

                      Carlos and Will’s review on “Two-Photon Calcium Imaging of Neuronal Activity” appears in Nature Reviews Methods Primers.

                    • Aug 2022

                      Trish and Nazim were each awarded a BRI/Semel Institute Travel Award to attend the 2022 SfN meeting in San Diego. Congrats!

                    • Aug 2022

                      Zoë attends the Workshop on the Dynamic Brain at the Allen Institute (8/21 - 9/4).

                    • Jul 2022

                      Carlos presents at the FENS meeting in Paris as part of the Symposium entitled “The emergence of function in developing cortical circuits” organized by Oscar Marín.

                    • Jul 2022

                      Spectrum news does a piece on Nazim’s preprint about interneurons in Fragile X.

                    • Jul 2022

                      Trish receives a F31 NRSA from NICHD ("Cortico-amygdala circuit dysfunction underlying avoidance behaviors and aversive facial expressions to social touch in mouse models of autism").

                    • Jun 2022

                      Undergraduate student Sunny Mula was awarded the prestigious Whitcome Fellowship for Summer 2022 to conduct research in our lab.

                    • Jan 2022

                      Carlos gives his first research seminar in Spanish.

                    • Dec 2021

                      Our review on Cortical Interneurons in Autism came out in Nature Neuroscience.

                    • Nov 2021

                      Our new R01 on interneuron development received a score of 17 (3rd percentile). It's a collaboration with Anis Contractor at Northwestern.

                    • Sep 2021

                      Trish attended the Dynamic Brain Summer Course at the Allen Institute (Aug 21-Sept 5).

                    • Jul 2021

                      Undergraduate student David Chung participates in the prestigious Amgen Scholars research program.

                    • Jun 2021

                      Will Zeiger's paper on stroke plasticity comes out in Nature Communications. UCLA Health does a piece on it.

                    • Feb 2021

                      Congratulations to David Chung, who was featured on the UCLA Undergraduate Research Center STEM Spotlight for his recent presentation at the Harvard National Collegiate Research Conference.

                    • Nov 2020

                      Congratulations to Anne Tran, who presented her poster at the 2020 ABRCMS meeting and she received an award for Best Poster in the Neuroscience category.

                      Carlos co-organized the Interneuron Dysfunction in Autism meeting, together with Anis Contractor (Northwestern Univ.) and Iryna Ethell (UC Riverside)

                    • Oct 2020

                      Trish was awarded a pre-doctoral slot on the new NeuroTechnology T32 at UCLA, was also a recipient of the 2020-2021 ARCS Fellowship (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists).

                    • Sept 2020

                      Nazim, Anand, Trish and Zoë participate in the 2020 FRAXA Biotech Games. The team placed 11th (out of 39 teams)! Special thanks to Ben Liu from the Buonomano lab for helping out!

                    • Aug 2020

                      Zoë Dobler joins the lab as a Neuroscience IDP graduate student.

                    • July 2020

                      Will Zeiger starts his own lab as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at UCLA.

                    • June 2020

                      Carlos receives the 2020 UCLA Undergraduate Research Mentor Award.

                    • May 2020

                      Caliope is awarded the UCLA Dean’s Prize at Research Poster Day 2020.

                    • April 2020

                      This coming fall 2020, former lab undergrad Cindy Chen will be starting the PhD program in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, while current lab undergrad Brandon Nanfito will be starting in the Neuroscience PhD program at Johns Hopkins. We are so proud of them!

                    • Sept 2019

                      Brandon Nanfito receives the 2019 Lawrence Kruger undergraduate Research Scholarship for the work he did this past summer in the lab (also in the photo is Felix Schweizer, Interim Director of UCLA’s Brain Research Institute).

                    •  July 2019

                      Anu Goel starts as Assistant Professor of Psychology at UC Riverside

                      Trishala Chari joins the lab as a Neuroscience IDP graduate student

                    • June 2019

                      Four of the lab’s undergraduate students graduated this year from UCLA (June 2019).  Couldn’t be prouder of this bunch.  Gunvant Chaudhari and Michael Le will attend medical school at UCSF and UCLA, respectively.  I have no doubt they will continue to be involved in research in the future. Cindy Chen will be taking a year off to work in the laboratory of Carolyn Houser at UCLA while she applies to PhD programs in Neuroscience. I have no doubt Cindy will make exciting and impactful discoveries in her PhD. Barbara Todisco is applying for various positions as she ponders whether to apply to medical school or pursue a different career that suits her many talents. Either way, she is going to make a difference in the world, no doubt about that.

                    •  May 2019

                      Gunvant is awarded the UCLA Dean’s Prize at Research Poster Day 2019

                      Michael Le will go to UCLA for med-school in the Fall

                      Gunvant Chaudhari will go to UCSF for med-school in the Fall

                    •  April 2019

                      Nazim received a fellowship grant from FRAXA

                      Chloe Dupuis joins the lab for a 6-month internship as part of her Masters in Nanoscale Engineering at the University Lyon, France

                    •  April 2019

                      Three UCLA undergrads, Natalie Noble, Isa Samad, and David Chung, join the lab

                    •  Feb. 2019

                      Anu's preview of Dan Feldman’s paper on E/I balance in autism models comes out in Neuron

                    •  Jan. 2019

                      Erica’s paper on environmental enrichment comes out in The Journal of Neuroscience

                    •  Nov. 2018

                      SPECTRUM, the online magazine of the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, does a piece on Anu’s paper

                    •  Oct. 2018

                      Two UCLA undergraduate students, Sandhya Murugan and Brandon Nanfito, join the lab

                    •  Sep. 2018

                      Anu’s paper on deficits in visual discrimination in Fragile X syndrome comes out in Nature Neuroscience. It gets a bit of press.

                    •  July 2018

                      Cynthia's and Erica's methods paper on viral transduction of GCaMPs in the neonatal brain appears online.

                    •  June 2018

                      Carlos hangs out at the Gordon Conference for Fragile X and Related Autism Disorders in Lucca, Italy.

                    •  May 2018

                      Erica successfully defended her PhD


                    • April 2018

                      Aditi presented her research at the Posters on The Hill event in Washington DC on April 18th, 2018.  She was the first UCLA undergrad to participate in this event in the last 6 years (April 2018)


                    • Feb. 2018

                      Will Zeiger receives the 2018 AAN Young Investigator Scholarship from the American Academy of Neurology to present his research on stroke at the Annual AAN Meeting on April 21, 2018 

                    • Feb. 2018

                      Aditi Newadkar was selected to participate in the 22nd Annual Posters on the Hill event in Washington, D.C., on April 17-28, 2018. She is the first UCLA undergrad to do so since 2011

                    • Jan. 2018

                      Congratulations to Anu, who had her baby boy, Taig!

                    • Oct. 2017

                      Anu gave the Arnold Scheibel Distinguished Postdoctoral Lecture at UCLA

                      Anu Goel receives the STAT Wunderkind Award 

                    • Sep. 2017

                      Anouk Heuvelmans joins the lab for 9 months as part of her Masters thesis for the University of Amsterdam

                    • June 2017

                      Anu attended the Gordon Research Conference on Excitatory Synapses and Brain Functionin Les Diablerets, Switzerland

                    • May 2017

                      Lab awarded a 3-year Partnering-PI grant from the Department of Defense (DOD) for a collaboration with Dr. Anis Contractor at Northwestern

                    • Apr. 2017

                      Congratulations on Cynthia's successful PhD thesis defense on April 14, 2017!

                      Satvir receives 1st prize for best poster in the undergrad student category at the UCLA Neurology Science Day

                    • Feb. 2017

                      Aditi was chosen to participate in the prestigious 2017 summer research program at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in Carl Petersen's lab

                      Gunvant was chosen as one of the five UCLA undergraduates to take part in the Summer 2017 UCLA Amgen Scholars Program

                    • Dec. 2016

                      Two undergraduates, Michael Le and Barbara Todisco join the lab

                    • Apr. 2016

                      Anu was the recipient of a FENS, IBRO-PERC and The Brain Prize stipend to attend theNew Approaches to Imaging Neurons and Neural Circuits Brain Conference in Copenhagen (April 17-20, 2016)

                      Steve Cohen is accepted to prestigious Janelia Undergraduate Scholars Program for the 2016 Summer to work with Dr. Adam Hantman

                    • Dec. 2016

                      Two undergraduates, Michael Le and Barbara Todisco join the lab

                    • Mar. 2016

                      Two undergraduates, Sheyda Mesgarzadeh and Aditi Newadkar, join the lab

                      Cynthia and Will receive 1st prize for best poster in the grad student and post-doc category at the UCLA Neurology Science Day

                    • Nov. 2015

                      Steve Cohen was one of the five selected UCLA undergraduate students to participate in the Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Program for 2014-2017

                      Cynthia presented her work, Emerging Tools for Acquisition and Interpretation of Whole-Brain Functional Data, at the Janelia Farm Conference that took place on November 1-4, 2015.

                    • Oct. 2015

                      Three UCLA undergraduate students joined the lab: Satvir Saggi, Mona Chatrizeh, and Steve Hernandez

                    • June 2015

                      Cynthia was awarded a F30 individual NRSA from the NINDS

                    • May 2015

                      Grant Higerd receives Dean's Prize at UCLA's Science Poster Day

                      Erica was selected to attend the "Advanced Techniques in Molecular Neuroscience" course at CSHL;

                      Cynthia was selected to attend the workshop on Autism Spectrum Disorders at CSHL.

                    • Apr. 2015

                      The lab receives a $120,000 grant from the Cal-Brain Seed Grant Program;

                      Amaya’s paper on Layer 4 pyramidal neurons got accepted to The Journal of Neuroscience

                    • Mar. 2015

                      Grant Higerd won 1st place for his poster during neurology and neurobiology science day

                      Also, Carlos won the Golden Test Tube award for his excellence as a teacher and mentor!

                    • Dec. 2014

                      A photo from our holiday lunch in Westwood

                      Carlos attended the SFARI Circuit Dynamics workshop

                    • Aug. 2014

                      Amaya received Charles E. Sawyer travel award to present at 'Dendrites 2014' at FORTH in Crete, Greece

                      Grant Higerd (undergrad in the lab) was named Aademic All-American by the American Collegiate Rowing Association, and was a finalist (one of only 3!) for the 2014 UCLA Club Sports Varsity Athlete of the Year.  We are very proud.

                    • May. 2014

                      Sahana Kribakaran (undergrad in the lab) was awarded a Dean’s Prize at UCLA's Science Poster Day on May 13 2014.

                    • Mar. 2014

                      Carlos attends the Cosyne Symposium "Rogue States: Altered dynamics of neural circuit activity in brain disorders" organized by Cian O'Donell and Terry Sejnowsky at Snowbird Utah. We snapped this photo: Terry, Carlos, Karl, Ofer, Cian, and Tim

                    • Feb. 2014

                      Lab receives new funding: a SFARI grant with Peyman Golshani as co-investigator (start date: February 2014) and a Department of Defense grant with my Anis Contractor at Northwestern as PI (start date: summer 2014). Both are to study circuit defects in Fragile X Syndrome.

                    • Jan. 2014

                      Amaya had her baby boy Julen on January 5 2014.

                    • Nov. 2013

                      Portera Lab reunion at SfN in San Diego: Carlos, Peyman, Tiago, Alberto, Ricardo (and Amaya) - Jessica, Mate, Erica, Tara

                    • Oct. 2013

                      The Dana Foundation posted an interview with Carlos

                      Carlos was the MC of the UCLA Falling Walls Competition (October 3, 2013)

                    • June 2013

                      Dr. Mate Marosi, a new post-doc, started in the lab

                      The proposal for the renewal of our R01 on fragile X research gets a score of 20 (6th percentile)

                      Claire Huang, a student at Diamond Bar High School, joins the lab for the summer (June 2013). In the photo, she is 3rd from the left

                    • Mar. 2013

                      Cynthia was awarded a Soros Fellowship for the Class of 2013:

                    • Feb. 2013

                      Ricardo's paper on Aging synapses appeared today in J Neurosci (Feb 27 2013) :

                      Amaya was awarded 2 prizes at The Course in Molecular Anatomy at OIST (including 'Best Individual and Best Group Project'), Okinawa Japan

                      Our R21 proposal on Cajal-Retzius neurons (NIMH) and the stroke R01 (NINDS) will both be funded starting April 2013

                    • Jan. 2013

                      Ricardo's paper on long-term imaging of synaptic changes associated with normal aging is accepted at The Journal of Neuroscience

                    • Dec. 2012

                      Adrian Cheng was named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 as a Rising Star in Science & Health Care for his work on developing STEM in the lab. Congratulations to him!

                      Cynthia He (MSTP student) will join the lab in Summer 2013
                    • Oct. 2012

                      Our R01 proposal on stroke gets score of 10 - in the 2nd percentile

                    • Sep. 2012

                      Undergraduate student Sahana Kribakaran joins the lab

                    • July 2012

                      Amaya Miquelajauregui is awarded a grant from NARSAD

                      Joyce Wondolowski finishes a brief research stint in the lab and starts a post-doc at the University of Southern California

                      Erica Arroyo is awarded a T32 pre-doctoral fellowship from the Neurobehavioral Genetics Training Grant

                    • June 2012

                      Lauren Wierenga joins the lab for the summer as an AMGEN Scholar. Lauren is an undergraduate student from Kalamazooo College, MI

                      Daniel Cantu joins the lab for his PhD thesis

                      Erica Arroyo joins the lab for her PhD thesis

                    • May 2012

                      Daniel Cantu from ACCESS starts a rotation in the lab

                      Cynthia He's review on "The trouble with spines in fragile X syndrome" appears in Neuroscience

                    • Apr. 2012

                      David Johnston's paper is accepted in Cerebral Cortex

                    • Mar. 2012

                      David Johnston defends his thesis

                      Carlos is promoted to Associate Professor effective July 1 2012

                    • Jan. 2012

                      Erica Arroyo from ACCESS starts a rotation in the lab

                      Alberto Cruz' paper on spines in slices is published in PLoS One